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Nancy Linn Smith

* November 25, 1909

married Robert P Breckenridge, September 26, 1936



Robert P Breckenridge was born May 8, 1907.

Found on the internet in a refenence to Major William Plimley:

To bring the Major’s family to present. Lelia married George P. Breckenridge in the year 1900. George was a lawyer from St. Louis, Missouri, who was a descendant of John Caleb Breckenridge, Vice President under James Buchanan (Presidency, 1857-1861). John C. Breckenridge ran against Lincoln for President. When the Civil War broke out he was a Major General and Secretary of War for the Confederacy. Lelia and George settled in Pelham Manor, New York where Lelia gave birth to Robert Plimley Breckenridge, May 8, 1907, William’s only grandchild.

Robert Plimley Breckenbridge married Nancy Linn Smith. Robert and Nancy had two daughters, Lee and Gail. Robert died in 1964. Like his grandfather, he also was a Major in the Army during World War Two. Nancy Linn Breckenridge now lives in Ashville, North Carolina.

Lee Breckenridge married George Jocoby Jr. and they live in Marblehead, Massachusetts with their children, Robert Breckenridge and Sarah Hieatt. Gail Breckenridge married Darrell K. Adams and they live in Castle Rock, Colorado.







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